C.O. Bear (Justice Squad Book 4) Page 9
“I want to pick my pumpkins out of the field,” Hawk said, pulling a knife from the sheath on his belt.
“You’re welcome to it,” said Mrs. Jenkins, pointing to one of the farm carts outside the store.
He sheathed his knife and took Elena’s hand while pulling one of the handcarts out into the field. They were surrounded by an acre of pumpkins, a corn maze in the distance, and the sounds of delighted children echoed through the air.
Hawk and Elena picked out five large pumpkins and put them on the cart. Hawk rolled it back to the store and then added two jars of honey, a bag of apples, and a fresh apple pie.
“It’s for the barbecue tomorrow night,” Hawk said. “Don’t tell anyone I didn’t bake it.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Elena said with a laugh.
After they purchased all of their goodies and stowed them away in the car, he asked Elena if she wanted to join him in the corn maze.
“I’ll keep you safe in case we get attacked by goblins,” he said very seriously.
“I know I can depend on you.” She laughed.
It reminded her briefly of where they had just been only a few weeks ago. She shivered at the memory of her father in the field and she couldn’t believe how much her life had changed since then. It had turned around a hundred and eighty degrees. In that moment, she’d thought she might lose her life. And now she was rushing through the damp grass toward a corn maze with her beloved mate, laughing, heart pounding, and so happy she didn’t even recognize her life anymore.
They rushed through the corn maze, zigging and zagging through the rows. As they turned the corner, a person in a ghost costume jumped out in front of them.
Elena shrieked and rushed into Hawk’s arms. They both laughed hysterically as they walked past the sheet-covered farmer.
“I’m pretty sure that’s Chad Jenkins,” Hawk whispered. “Mrs. Jenkins’ college-age son.”
“Does Mrs. Jenkins have any more sons?” Elena said, not sure her heart could take any more jump scares.
“The Jenkins have five boys and a girl,” Hawk said.
“Oh no, I’m going to pee my pants.” She was laughing so hard she thought she might just do it.
Hawk pulled her through the maze, and they laughed and giggled all the way. As they turned the corners, the young Jenkins’ costumes became more terrifying. When they reached the center of the corn maze, they found a tray of caramel apples and another family enjoying the reprieve from the terror of the Jenkins kids.
They grabbed their caramel apples and hot chocolate and sat on a hay bale, enjoying the last remnants of the autumn day. When they finished, they found the exit to the maze and were again back in the parking lot with the big shaggy dog and the farm store. They waved goodbye to Mrs. Jenkins and climbed in the Jeep.
“Ready to go home, Mrs. Barlow?”
“I’m ready to go anywhere you take me, Mr. Barlow,” she said smiling at her mate as he drove into the fading twilight.
Chapter 18
“I hope they’re going to like me,” Elena said nervously, holding the apple pie in a death grip.
“They’re going to love you,” Hawk said, smiling, his hand at the small of her back.
They stood on the porch of Darcy and Rider’s home. The smell of barbecue wafted through the air from the back patio. Hawk pressed the doorbell and Elena heard it ring through the house. They had their Halloween decorations up for the next day, but Elena hadn’t thought they’d put as much effort into it as Hawk had. She smiled, thinking about how serious he’d been about making the jack-o’-lanterns scary — but not too scary for the children he hoped would come trick-or-treating the next day.
Rider opened the door and Elena smiled in greeting. The last time she’d seen Rider, he and Hawk had been arresting her father. It was a hard memory to get past, but seeing Rider in his home in Fate Rock and the warm welcoming smile on his face made it that much easier.
“Come in. Come in. I see Hawk made another one of his homemade pies,” Rider said, winking at Elena.
She chuckled and pursed her lips, glancing over at Hawk. “He’s the best baker in town, after Mrs. Jenkins.”
They all shared a hearty laugh and Rider led them through the comfortable house out onto the back patio. The air was crisp and cool, but he had a space heater going and decorative tarps that blocked off the wind. Everyone was set around picnic tables while Darcy, a curvy redheaded lady, stood over the grill with a pair of tongs. Rider walked over to her and kissed her cheek, inspecting the grill. The food smelled absolutely delicious, and it made Elena’s mouth water.
“You’re in for a treat,” Rider said.
“The food will be done in just a minute,” Darcy said, walking over to Elena.
“Hi Darcy. We were at Squad Goals yesterday for lunch. The place looks amazing,” Hawk said.
“Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without everybody’s help.”
“I know what you mean,” Elena said.
“You must be Elena,” Darcy said, reaching out her hand. “We are so glad that Hawk’s found his mate. Even if it was under such difficult circumstances.”
Elena took Darcy’s hand, feeling instantly comfortable with the welcoming lady. She seemed empathetic and sensitive, but with a tough as nails edge that Elena found comforting.
“You need to come meet Arabella and Stephanie. They’ve been dying to meet you.” Darcy led Elena over to a comfortable outdoor seating area where she found two ladies sitting and chatting. A petite Latina woman jumped up from her chair and immediately greeted Elena.
“Elena,” she exclaimed. “It is so good to finally meet you. Come sit down. Have some wine.”
Elena asked for hot chocolate instead and sat down with the women at the couches. She glanced over and found Hawk chatting with Rider near the grill. Samson and Zander were playing a game of chess on one of the outdoor tables. Titus, Max, and Jamison were playing a game of badminton in the yard.
Elena settled in with the women and sipped her hot chocolate. Darcy introduced her to Stephanie, a pretty, athletic black woman with a baby belly that looked ready to burst. She rubbed her stomach and asked when the food was coming over her shoulder.
“We’re dishing it up now,” Rider called out.
“So, Jamison told us you are opening a yoga studio in town,” Darcy said.
“Yes. He’s been very generous.”
“It was the same with me. Opening Squad Goals. I couldn’t believe how much the guys were willing to help me with the restaurant. It’s really a dream come true.”
“So is the yoga studio. You’re all welcome to have free lessons when I open.”
“That sounds amazing,” Stephanie said, sipping her hot chocolate. She rubbed her belly. “After the baby, I’m going to need all the help I can get to get back into shape.”
“I love yoga. It would be amazing to have a discreet class to take with friends here in Fate Rock between recording sessions in my studio in Titus’s basement.”
“You may never have heard of Arabella Fernandez. But she is a world-famous popstar,” Darcy said with a wink.
“And to you, I’m just your neighbor,” Arabella said, pointing at Darcy.
The two friends laughed, and it made Elena feel even more at home to see them all together.
“When is the new album coming out?” Stephanie asked.
“In just a few months. After it releases, I have another tour planned. If everything goes right.”
“I hope after the last mission, the guys were able to take down the hyena terrorists once and for all,” Darcy said under her breath. “I’d hate for you to be in danger again, Arabella.”
“You and me both.”
The guys brought the meat to the table and everyone sat down to enjoy the meal. Candles flickered on the table and the space heaters kept them warm as beer and wine flowed and the meat was plentiful. Elena got to hear all the guys’ stories of their missions an
d their friendship and bonds of brotherhood. Their hope was that this time they’d have all the intel they needed to complete the most important mission of all: Ending the hyena’s reign of terror in the world. Elena couldn’t agree more.
“These guys do so much good in the world,” Stephanie said, and then the look on her face change completely.
She grimaced and squeezed her eyes closed.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Max asked frantically.
“I think it’s time,” Stephanie said.
There was a whole slurry of movement while the gang helped Stephanie out to the car. Darcy and Rider threw all the leftovers in the fridge, and a whole motorcade of crew rushed Stephanie to the hospital.
When Stephanie and Max disappeared into the delivery room, everyone else waited outside. No one wanted to leave until they knew the baby had arrived. Elena sat with Hawk, imagining what it would be like when they finally had their first child. For her, it couldn’t come too soon.
Finally, six hours later, Max burst out into the waiting room with the biggest smile Elena had ever seen.
“I’m a daddy!” he gushed.
The guys all stood and slapped him on the back, offering congratulations and taunts in kind. Darcy, Arabella and Elena giggled to each other as they watched the guys doting over the new father and their own way. The gang had all raided the gift store and were now holding all sorts of balloons, teddy bears and cards for the new mommy and daddy.
“It’s a boy,” Max said.
“Can we see them?” Arabella asked.
“Yes, of course. Come on.”
Max led them into the hospital room where they found Stephanie comfortable in bed holding her brand-new baby boy in her arms. She looked happy and tired and positively radiant. They all gathered around the bed and gazed down at the new arrival and brand-new member of the Justice Squad crew. He was the most beautiful baby boy that anyone could imagine.
Elena’s heart burst with gladness. She was so happy to see the renewal of life after everything she’d been through. The way that the friends all came together and supported each other through thick and thin was a true inspiration. And she felt as if she was the luckiest girl in the world to have found herself in the midst of such wonderful people.
Everyone took brief turns holding the baby before he was safely deposited back into Stephanie’s arms. When Elena had her turn, it was as if she was looking into the eyes of an angel. And she couldn’t help but shed a tear at the beauty of the moment.
“What are you going to name him?” Zander asked.
“Emmett Barry Johnson,” Max said.
“Emmett was my father’s name,” Stephanie said.
“It’s a beautiful strong name for a beautiful strong boy,” Elena said.
They left the new family looking cozy and happy to give them space alone together. Elena and Hawk walked out into the parking lot and drove home in the Jeep.
The next morning, Elena pulled out a pregnancy test and went secretly to the bathroom to use it. She had had a suspicion for the last week but had been too nervous to try it until today. She didn’t want to get her hopes up. After seeing little Emmett and his mommy and daddy, though, she couldn’t wait a moment longer. She used the test and set it on the edge of the bathtub and waited, pacing the bathroom for the longest three minutes of her life. When the timer on her phone went off, she could barely bring herself to look, until finally, with her heart pounding, she turned and stared at the test.
There it was: two pink lines. Elena and Hawk were going to have a baby.
Elena could barely hold back her excitement all day while she tried to come up with the best way to tell him the news. He asked her over breakfast what she was smiling about, and she told him it was because she was so excited about the yoga studio. She was still so shocked and overjoyed that she didn’t quite know how to tell him.
He went to his office to work after breakfast and Elena shopped for supplies for the yoga studio online. After dinner, they began to prepare for trick-or-treaters. Hawk was so giddy with excitement. It was so sweet to see him like that.
And then the first of the children arrived, dressed in their Halloween costumes. Two little girls dressed as unicorns pranced up the porch steps and knocked on the door.
“Trick-or-treat,” they said with big grins. They were missing teeth and their big eyes sparkled with excitement.
Hawk dropped candies into their outstretched bags and chatted briefly with the parents. Elena loved to see the happy children and the wonderful sense of community in their neighborhood. Hawk closed the door and the doorbell rang only a second later. He turned around, a big smile on his rugged face. He was dressed as a vampire, with plastic fangs and all. Hawk didn’t need fake fangs; he had real ones of his own. Elena smiled, to herself, thinking of the night he’d claimed her, and how he’d sunk those teeth into her flesh.
Hawk opened the door and outside was a little boy in a werewolf costume.
“Rawr,” he said threateningly.
His mother giggled. He couldn’t have been more than four years old. “Say trick-or-treat,” she said with a wink to Elena.
“Trick-or-treat,” the little boy said.
“Aren’t you fearsome.” Hawk dropped candy into the little boy’s bag.
“I’m a wolf shifter,” the little boy said. “Like my daddy.”
“He’s not a vampire, he is a bear shifter himself.” Elena said.
“Are you?” the woman asked. “I didn’t know there were other shifters in this neighborhood.”
“Fate Rock is a safe haven for our kind,” Hawk said through his plastic teeth.
“Indeed it is,” the woman said with a smile. “Happy Halloween.” She waved and walked away with her son in tow.
They handed out the rest of the candy through the night and then retired to the living room to reminisce about the enchanting evening of handing out candies to children. They sipped spiced tea and watched the flames crackling in the hearth.
“It sure is nice to see little shifters walking around,” Hawk said wistfully.
Elena could see the longing in his eyes.
“Pretty soon there will be another little shifter walking around here,” she said.
He looked at her quizzically and then realization crossed his face. “Are you…?”
“I’m pregnant. I found out this morning. We’re going to have a little shifter of our own.”
Hawk gasped and gathered her into his arms. He held her tight and close, rubbing his hands up her back until he cupped her head. Then he kissed her, long and slow and loving.
“You’ve made me the happiest man alive, Elena. This is the best news.”
She rested her head against his chest as they snuggled together on the couch, watching the crackling fire. Outside, the last of the evening light faded as the autumn breeze blew the last of the leaves from the trees. Elena let out a long, satisfied sigh. She was enveloped in a cocoon of contentment and warmth that she never could have imagined was possible only a few weeks ago. All her dreams had come true. And she had been given everything she wanted. Sitting with her beloved mate beside the fire, Elena knew deep in her heart that for the first time in her life, she finally had a home.
Also by Scarlett Grove
Sexy Action-Packed Shifter Boxed Sets
Fate Mountain: Complete Series
Fate Valley Mysteries: Complete Collection
Shifter Overdrive
Desired By Dragons
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