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Dax: House of Flames (Dragon Warrior Romance) (Dragon Guardians Book 2) Page 11

  He growled and instantly grew excited. He kissed her mouth, sliding his tongue between her lips. She groaned against him, their tongues lashing.

  His cock pressing against her wet stomach as they stood in the chest-deep water. He lifted her up and she hooked her legs around his waist. They kissed more deeply. He held her against the wall of the pool, the warm water all around.

  The sky was growing bright as the moon inched higher. He slid his hand down her hip and cupped her ass. Slipping his fingers under the side of her swimsuit, he kissed her harder and deeper with each beat of his heart. He slid his finger up her slit and pressed the pad of his index finger against her clit. She shuddered with arousal and broke from their kiss, gasping and clinging to his neck as he twisted his finger on her tight swollen bud.

  “Oh Dax,” she said, clinging to him.

  He held her against him, pushing her pleasure to the edge of climax. She groaned in his ear, and he slid his sharp teeth over her neck, wanting to claim her more than he had ever wanted anything. But he couldn't do it now. He could, however, give her the pleasure she so deserved.

  “Oh Dax,” she groaned.

  In the dark corner of the pool, hidden from the house, he slid his fingers inside her channel and pressed against her g-spot. He drew them out again and twirled them on her clit. Her legs clung to his waist, and she groaned loudly as her body clenched his fingers.

  “Oh God,” she said, her teeth biting down on his neck.

  He groaned at the feeling of her biting him. It gave him immense pleasure. His dragon growled inside his mind, demanding that he bite her. But now wasn't the time. He needed to be inside her to claim her. That was the only way.

  She shuddered against him, and then went limp. Her legs unhooking from his waist, they slid to the pool floor. She rested her head against his chest, her heart beating wildly against him. He held her gently in his arms and let out a long, deep breath.

  “You are so beautiful when you climax,” he said.

  She giggled and gazed up at him.

  “I can't believe you can make me come like that.”

  “Giving you pleasure is the most pleasurable thing in the world to me.”

  “I've never had someone send me over the edge like you do.”

  “You should always receive pleasure like that, every day of your life. It is my greatest wish to give it to you.”

  “Oh, Dax. You are so sweet,” she giggled.

  He chuckled. Maybe he was finally starting to get it right.

  “Maybe we should take this inside,” she said, stroking his erect shaft over his swim trunks. “Then we can take care of you.”

  “If I go somewhere private with you, I'm going to claim you,” he said. “I don't know if I can keep my dragon under control much longer.”

  “Claim me?” she said innocently, batting her eyes.

  “Sink my teeth into your flesh, inject you with my mating venom and make you my eternal bride.”

  “That sounds kinky,” she teased, running her finger down his chest.

  “You have to understand what it means.”

  “That I would be yours, forever.”


  “I think I like the sound of that.”

  “You want to be mated with a guy who doesn't know what to say or how to be romantic?” he asked.

  “I think that we can figure it out together,” she said, caressing his hand.

  He followed her out of the pool, watching her curvy behind in her skimpy swimsuit. All he could think about was pulling it off and devouring her pussy. He didn't want to hold back anymore. He needed to make her his. He was more than ready to become one with her and start their lives together.

  He took her hand as she led him back to the house. Before they reached the door, Everly came running out, holding the baby monitor with a terrified look on her face.

  “They're here!” she said. “They're here!”

  Chapter 20

  “Who is here?” Dax asked.

  Aria shivered. Something was terribly wrong.

  “The vampires. They're here,” Everly said.

  “What would they be doing here? They're supposed to be at a meeting with the crew,” Dax said.

  Aria glanced up at him and gasped.

  “The meeting was a ruse,” Dax growled. “I knew it all along.”

  They ran inside still dressed in swimsuits and bathrobes. Dax threw open the door to the spaceship in the basement.

  “What are we going to do?” Everly demanded, having picked up baby Ember on the way downstairs.

  “I'm opening my mental link and calling the guys home right now.”

  Aria watched Dax at the computer as he scanned the perimeter of the property for the vampires.

  “There,” he said, pointing at the camera. “They’re there.”

  “What are they doing here?” Aria asked.

  “They've come to attack us while the guys are away,” Dax said.

  “They probably want to take me back,” Aria whispered.

  “Never,” Dax said, gritting his teeth.

  Fear leapt in Aria’s heart. She would rather die than go back to the vampires. They had been cruel and heartless. They wanted to drain her life blood and use her power to bolster their own.

  “Worry not, my love. I will protect you all.”

  “She could see the vampires pressing their hands against the outer perimeter of the dragons’ shields.

  “What are they doing?” Everly asked.

  “There trying to break through our defenses,” Dax said. “And they're making progress.”

  “That can't be true,” Everly said, terrified.

  “You two should get to the safe room. It’s more comfortable for humans than this ship,” he said.

  “I'm going to help you,” Aria said.

  Dax looked at her. She knew he was going to object, but then he let out a deep sigh and nodded once.

  “Okay, Everly, get to the safe room. Lock yourself and Ember inside. Don't open the door until this is all over. The other dragons should be back soon.”

  “Done,” Everly said, taking Ember out of the room and down the hall to the safe room.

  Aria watched the vampires as they cast their spells on the dragons’ shields.

  “I thought that their magic was weak.”

  “So did we,” Dax said. “But it appears that it is growing stronger.”

  “Who's that?” Aria asked, pointing at the computer screen.

  A tall, lanky vampire in a black cloak paced back and forth behind the other vampires.

  “I've never seen him before. Bethi, please identify that vampire in the cloak.”

  “Identifying,” Bethi said. Dax and Aria fell silent as the computer whirred. “That vampire is not recognized by my database. Conclusion, this individual is an ancient who has recently reawakened.”

  “An ancient?” Dax repeated with fear in his voice. “I'm telling the guys they need to get back here immediately.”

  “How far away are they?”

  “They won't arrive for another twenty minutes.”

  “We need to do something,” Aria said.

  “It is best if you go to the safe room.”

  “We need to go face them,” Aria said.

  “I can’t let them near you.”

  “I'm tired of running away. It is time for me to stand up and fight. The vampires are here because they want my power. And if they want it, then they're going to see exactly what they are dealing with.”

  “I can’t let you put yourself in danger.”

  “This is my choice, Dax. This is what I want.”

  He let out a deep sigh.

  “All right then. Let’s go give them hell.”

  He took her hand and they hurried out of the basement and into the backyard of the mansion. Striding across the lawn and through a manicured garden, they made it to the edge of the property. Two dozen vampires stood on the other side of the barrier. Their hands were strategically pl
aced along the dome that was now visible as they chanted their spells.

  “What are you doing here?” Dax demanded.

  The unidentified vampire turned and glared at Dax with a sadistic smile.

  “We've come to take back what belongs to us,” the vampire said, cocking his chin toward Aria.

  “I don't belong to you. I belong to myself.”

  “You heard the lady,” Dax said, crossing his arms. “Now be gone with you.”

  “Very funny,” the vampire scoffed.

  “I thought we just had a treaty meeting,” Dax said.

  “There will never be a treaty between our kind. You take the food we need to survive. I was woken from a peaceful sleep because of the trouble that you’ve caused. You dragons are a nuisance here. You should go find some other planet to mess around on.”

  “This is our planet now. The Dragon Souls are our kind. We will protect them with our very lives.”

  “As you wish,” the elder vampire said.

  “No,” Aria said, stamping her bare foot. “This is my planet. Humans were here first. Dragons and vampires come from far across the galaxy, and you vampires have no business here.

  “As far as I see it, the dragons have helped humans develop. But you vampires have done nothing but feed on us and manipulate us to your will. You think of us as a food source that you can suck the life out of. If we knew you existed, we would have destroyed you long ago.”

  The elder vampire sneered.

  “I should tell the whole world that you exist and what you’re doing to us,” Aria said.

  “If you tell the world about vampires, the vampires will tell the world about dragons. There are far less of them than there are of us.”

  “The dragons are here to protect humans,” Dax said.

  “If you're lucky, they might see it that way. But we know that humans are superstitious fools. You have no idea what will happen to your precious dragons if the humans find out.”

  “We don't need armies of humans to stand against you,” Dax said. “We can do it ourselves. Bethi, activate shock protocols.”

  As soon as the words left his lips, the vampires touching the shields began to shake and shudder as a powerful electric shock vibrated through them. Aria gasped as they fell on their rear ends, their hair spiked out all around them. Dax raised an eyebrow and the elder vampire rolled his eyes.

  “You won't think you're so tough for very long. Your shields are weakening. And since I'm sure they were already at full power, what else will you have to stand against us when we break through?”

  “The others are returning,” Dax said.

  “But will it be soon enough to prevent us from taking back our delicious little Dragon Soul?”

  “I am not your Dragon Soul,” Aria yelled.

  “Fear not, precious,” the elder vampire said. “We will keep you alive. Your blood is very strong and useful to us. It would be a waste to drain it all at once.”

  “You will never taste my blood,” Aria said, lifting her hands from her sides.

  She began to sing, willing her song to strengthen the shields around the compound. Her voice rose up in the air and the vampires stood and took notice. Dax turned to her, staring wide-eyed as the hairs on her arms pricked. She closed her eyes and continued singing.

  The sound reverberated all around, growing louder and more powerful with each verse. She opened her eyes to see the other three dragons descending from the sky. They landed behind her and she was momentarily distracted, breaking her song. The vampires redoubled their efforts. In one final push, they broke through the shields.

  The vampires charged at the dragons. The dragons breathed fire at the vampires, biting and clawing and scratching. Aria gasped as they came toward her, but Dax shifted into his dragon form and used his body to block them from her.

  She sang louder, focusing her energy on her mate. Dax clawed at the vampires. His talons connected to one, shredding its body. The vampire fell to the ground and did not rise again. Dax whipped around and went into half-shift form, holding his two-handed sword.

  “Did you see that?” he said, standing above the body of the vampire. “I think I killed it.” He kicked it with his foot. “How did I do that?”

  “I think it was my song,” she said, baffled and amazed.

  “Do it again,” he said with a smile as he gripped his laser sword and charged into the fray.

  Her song rose over the fight as the dragons engaged with the dozens of vampires who came pouring into the compound.

  “This is so satisfying,” Aiden said, slicing and dicing at the vampires. “I haven't had this much fun since the cataclysm.”

  “How are we doing this?” Cato asked, shooting vampires with his laser gun.

  “It's Aria’s song,” Dax said. “It bolsters our strength.”

  All four dragons turned to her and then back to the fight. Seeing their brethren fall under the claws and the swords of the dragons, the vampires quickly ran away, disappearing into smoke.

  “Reactivating shields,” Bethi said.

  The shields reactivated once the vampires had disappeared. They all turned to Aria, shifting into their human forms.

  “That was amazing,” Dax said. “You've really turned the tide.”

  “I had no idea that would happen when I started singing. I guess you were right when you said the dragons could use my power,” she said with an anxious chuckle.

  “See,” Dax said. “Sometimes I do say the right thing after all.”

  She laughed and threw herself into his arms.

  “Oh Dax,” she whispered into his neck. “I love you.”

  Chapter 21

  After the last vampire had disappeared and Cato had reactivated the shields with a new understanding of the vampires’ magic, everyone went back inside and gathered around the kitchen table for a cup of hot chocolate.

  Aria and Dax were still dressed in their swimsuits and wrapped in their bathrobes. They sat close together on the bench in front of the window, sipping their hot chocolate. Her hair was damp down her back and the smell of the pool clung to her skin. As everyone talked around them, Dax put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She looked up into his eyes and smiled

  “You did it, my sweet little bird,” he said.

  “I don't think I would’ve had the strength without you by my side.”

  “Because I made you angry by saying all the wrong things?” he said.

  “Maybe a little bit,” she chuckled. “You made me realize what I really believe in, and that I need to stand up for myself. But more than that, it’s because you're so solid and committed to us. I know in my heart that you want to take care of me. It's been so long since I've felt that way.”

  In all the years she spent traveling around the country with her father, living in one state and then another, she had always had such a hard time connecting to anyone. But now that she was with Dax, she wanted things to be different. She wanted to believe she could have a home, a place to rest and put down roots. He placed his hand on her arm and rubbed her shoulder.

  “That's so true,” he said kissing her temple. “Taking care of you is all I really want to do.”

  “What about surfing?” she asked.

  “Okay, maybe also surfing.”

  “What about basketball?”

  “Okay basketball too.”

  “And swimming?” she asked.

  “You know I love swimming.”

  “And video games?” she asked.

  “Now you're just not being fair,” he laughed. “But none of those things matter compared to you and your happiness. I would gladly give them up forever just to see you smile.”

  “Be careful what you say,” she laughed.

  “You don't want me to quit sports, do you?” he asked nervously.

  “Of course not,” she said, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. “I’m just teasing you.”

  “I'm glad you two are getting along again,” Everly said. “It wa
s tough seeing you two on the rocks. But I had a feeling it wasn't going to last very long.” Everly slid her arm through Kian's and rubbed his bicep.

  Everly and Kian really seemed to belong together in a way that didn’t happen very often. It was like they were two pieces that fit together like a puzzle. Aria was beginning to believe she and Dax could have the same thing.

  He held her close, and she felt their souls touching as their bodies called out to each other. Kian stood and served a late-night meal for everyone. He reheated chicken soup from the fridge and everyone dished up a bowl of soup and slices of crusty French bread with fresh sweet cream butter. Aria took a bite of the bread and dipped it in her soup. It was satisfying to eat hearty food after a battle.

  After their late-night meal, Dax and Aria offered to clean up. They rinsed everything off and put the dishes in the dishwasher. When they were done, she leaned up against the sink with her dishtowel and wrapped it up in a tight twist. As Dax leaned over to put away a pan in a lower cabinet, she flicked the towel out and smacked him in the bottom. He gasped and stood, looking around with surprise. When he realized it was her who had done it, he growled and lifted his eyebrow, walking to her with a sly grin on his face.

  “And what was that for?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her toward him.

  “For having such a damn sexy ass,” she said.

  “Oh, so you noticed,” he said.

  “I definitely noticed since the day I met you.”

  “But it's taken you so long to do anything about it,” he whispered in her ear.

  His hot breath tingled on her flesh and made her warm with desire. She wrapped her arms around his neck. As his lips grazed over her lips, she could tell he wanted her.

  “I think it's time that I show you how much I admire you,” she teased.

  “Definitely,” he said, taking her hand.

  They walked up the stairs together, hand-in-hand, into his bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him and she sauntered into his room, inspecting the videogames and clothes strewn across the back of the couch.

  “You certainly have a bachelor’s touch,” she said.

  “I’m short a woman,” he said, wrapping his hands around her waist. “If there was a lady in my life, my place would be a lot nicer.”